持工作签证或PSW签证的朋友们去欧洲旅游签申根签证的时候需要提供在职证明信或最新工资单(Original signed letter from employer or recent payslip.)
以下是在职证明信(Original signed letter from employer)样本。请根据个人具体情况和需要做相应修改。
Certification Letter
To: visa section
Dear Sir or Madam:
Hereby we certify that Mr.xxx xxx is the vice chairman of our company.
He(She) began work in our company from 05 Jan 2012.
We certificate Mr.xxx xxx will take his(her) holiday from 17.12.2012 to 30.12.2012(需打上准确的旅游日期).we make sure that he(she) must obey the local rules and come back to China on time. We will also keep his(her) position till his(her) coming back.
His(her) salary in our company is GBP8000.
Our company will afford all the expense in Europe! (公费旅游请写此句)
He(her) will cover all the expense in Europe!(自费旅游请写此句)
Yours Frankly!
Person in charge:wang sheng
Position:HR Manager
Add:No.16, Baker street, London