英国文化协会在自主研发英语语言测评工具和产品服务方面历史相当悠久, 自1940年起在英国开展英语语言测评业务, 继而成为在语言测评及考试业务领域的领导者,其中就包括最令人耳熟能详的雅思(IELTS)考试。最近, 普思(Aptis)考试产品的研发再次巩固其领先的地位。与此同时,英国文化协会内部测评研究中心的成立在支持产品的有效性和发展上也起到关键作用。普思(Aptis)考试旨在帮助组织和机构测评应试者真实的英语语言水平,从而有针对性地满足世界各地、各机构及个人的多样化需求。它不仅能够全面考核参与者“听、说、读、写”的综合技能,还能灵活调整、组合测试模块,以引导低成本、高效率的能力评定。
Aptis has been developed by the British Council, a trusted organisation with more than 70 years experience in English assessment.
The British Council’s status as a global leader in English testing make choosing Aptis the right decision for your organisation’s English development needs.
Aptis is used around the globe by corporate businesses, government organisations, educational institutions and NGOs. It is a business-to-business product for sale to organisations, rather than individuals.
Aptis can be used for:
Benchmarking students or employees
Language audits to identify training needs
Filtering potential employees for interview
Filtering students to identiy those ready for other exams
Filterning current employees for promotion
As a diagnostic tool to identify strength and weaknesses of people seeking employment
Evaluationg language development projects
There are three delivery modes available:
Computer based
pen and paper based
telephone based (for speech based assessments)
Each Aptis paper is also available in two of these delivery modes. e.g. writing can be done online or by pen and paper; allowing you to select the most appropriate mode of delivery for your context.